
Hi friends:
Love to hear what you think. Please leave a comment.
Love, Rachelant


  1. Interesting blog. I said "wow" when I read your statement about your memoir being about the 200 year history of your family. I love history.

    Great photographs. Old family photos are treasures.

    For an agent, you might do some research using the "Poets and Writers Magazine" database of agents.

    Blessings to you and your Family.

    Sincerely, Andy

  2. Sounds very interesting. I love learning about other people and the way they've spent their lives. Yours seems full of many details and adventures. I hope your elderly mother is doing fine. Mine died at 48 after three open heart surgeries. I write short stories and poetry and I've also published a book for new teachers. If you have any friends who are teachers or studying to become a teacher, please pass on my website

  3. @Andy Thank you for taking the time. I love your blog.
    @Traveller I am sorry about your mother. It is very heart breaking to have a loved one to pass away so young. I see you are contributing so nicely to the society. Thank you. I will for sure pass the message to my friends.
