
3450 years ago, Moses got the Jewish people who were slaves out of Egypt and bondage to Israel. The Jewish people formed two kingdoms. The Northern Ten Tribes and Southern two tribes. They were there for about 570 years until Assyrians took over their land and disperesed the Ten Tribes to all over their vast Empire. By doing this the conquerors wanted them to lose their identity and not be able to come back and form a united community. My Ancestors were among the ten tribes and they ended up in Urmia of Azerbaijan where they kept their customs and language. This happened more than 2700 years ago and again by Babylonians who did the same thing to the remaining two tribes, 2600 years ago.
The Jewish people built a Temple called Solomon two times(957 BC and 515 BC) in Jerusalem to worship GOD. But two times it was destroyed. As you see in this video, the Jewish Temple is replaced by a Grand Mosque. In the six day Arab-Israeli war in 1967, Israel took the Mosque but to respect God and Islam, gave it back to Muslims for their worship. Since then the Jewish people from all around the world come and pray only outside, by the remnant of the foundation wall of the old Jewish Temple.


Kerend and Kurdish Music

This is the scenery from Kerend and its music

This video is a sample of Kurdish Music.

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